CPAF Advocate Training

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 Welcome, we’re glad you’re here!

Here are some things you may need:

  1. A comfortable, quiet place where you can concentrate on the content and complete activities or assignments

  2. Enough time to complete at least one session—most sessions take 1.5-2 hours to complete

  3. A device that is connected to the internet, can play videos, and download PDF files

  4. Paper or a device that you can take notes or doodle on during sessions

  5. Comfort items such as snacks or a drink, a blanket or pillow, fidget toys, a candle, or anything else that helps you stay calm and grounded

Getting started


This welcome video will give you a brief introduction to this training website & its contents, and also review the expectations and requirements for receiving a certificate of completion. Please start here, and watch the video in full, before proceeding with any of the training content.


Having trouble? Send us an email.


Training Sessions & Resources

Click on the headers for each week below to go to the training videos & resources. The individual session titles are listed for your reference.

Section 1 - Intro to Domestic Violence

CPAF Overview & History of the Movement

Domestic Violence 101

Domestic Violence Myths

Domestic Violence in Ethnic Communities

Trauma-Informed Care

Section 2 - Cultural & Institutional Considerations

Cultural Competence & Humility

Racism, Violence, and Oppression

Criminal Justice/Law

Immigration Law

Accessing Social Services

Section 3 - Family & Community Considerations

Impact of Abuse on Children

Civil/Family Law

Teen Sexual Assault & Dating Violence

Community Collaborations

section 4 - Responding to Domestic Violence

Role of the Advocate

Child Welfare & Ethical Reporting

Confidentiality & Ethics

Vicarious Trauma & Self-Care

section 5 - Introduction to Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault 101

Child & Teen Sexual Assault

Human Trafficking

Sexual Assault in Special Populations

Overview of the SART Exam

Section 6 - Responding to Sexual Assault

Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Prevention: Community Accountability

Sexual Assault Prevention: Healthy Sexuality


CPAF Training Binder



Section 1: Introduction to Domestic Violence


CPAF Overview & History of the Movement

Please start with the video and then proceed with the links provided.


Domestic Violence 101

Please start with the video and then proceed with the links provided.


Domestic Violence Myths

Please start with the video and then proceed to the linked activities and resources.


Domestic Violence in Ethnic Communities

Please start with the video and then proceed through the links as prompted.


Trauma-Informed Care


Section 2: Cultural & Institutional Considerations


Cultural Competence & Humility


Racism, Violence, and Oppression

Please start with the video and then proceed to the links as prompted.


Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement

Please start with the video and then proceed to the linked readings & activities.


Immigration Law


Accessing Social Services


Section 3 - Community & Family Considerations


Civil and Family Law

Please watch the video and then complete the reflection.


Impact of Abuse on Children

Please watch the video and then read through the info-graphics for more information.


Community Collaborations

Please watch the video and then proceed through the links in order.


Teen Sexual Assault & Dating Violence

Please start with the video and then read through the info-graphics for more information.


Section 4 - Responding to Domestic Violence


Role of the Advocate


Child Welfare & Ethical Reporting

Please watch the video and then proceed to the links.


Confidentiality and Ethics

Please watch the video and then proceed to the links.

Vicarious Trauma & Self Care

Please start with the recorded presentation and follow the video links as prompted by the presenter.


Section 6 - Responding to Sexual Assault


SA Prevention: Healthy Sexuality


Role of the SART Nurse


Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault


Role of the SART Advocate


SA Prevention: Community Accountability