Counseling & Case Management

Whether in our shelters or at our Community Center, CPAF advocates can help clients during all phases of their healing process. CPAF offers counseling and case management to both residential and non-residential clients. 

Services Include:

  • Individual and group counseling for emotional support

  • Education about domestic violence and/or sexual assault

  • Accompaniment to court, hospital, and other social service offices

  • Legal advocacy and referrals for immigration, divorce, custody, restraining orders, and other issues

  • Assistance in enrollment of public welfare programs such as CalWorks (TANF), General Relief (cash aid), CalFresh (food stamps), and other public benefits

  • Linkages to employment & affordable housing resources


Community Healing Groups

CPAF offers community-based healing groups for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.  These healing groups differ from the traditional support group based primarily on “talk therapy,” as these groups provide an opportunity for survivors to engage in a whole-person activity in community with others.  Healing group participants may or may not choose to tell their story; that’s entirely up to them.  We believe that significant healing can take place simply through sharing the journey together with our whole selves.  Healing groups that CPAF has offered have included trauma-informed yoga, holistic self-defense, community gardening, an English club, and acupuncture.